Saturday, March 15, 2014

New Family Member

Today my mom and I went to Barnes and Noble for the Truly Talented You event and after that, we went to Michaels!
I got three things, a pack of activities from the Truly Talented You event and 2 things from the Springfield collection. 
Here's an overview of the things I got. There's is only two things that can be seen because there is one more thing underneath it all. 
First, we'll take a look at the sheets I got from the AG event at Barnes and Noble.
Here's the frame I made. Sorry, it's sideways. 
There also was a Goal Journal with a sticker sheet of goals.
Here is an activity sheet. You get to draw yourself.
These two are basically the same things as the advice section in the AG Magazine, except you get to write your own advice!
The last activity sheet was a letter to yourself.
It also came with a super big Isabelle poster. 
So I entered an Isabelle Doll raffle and I wish to win! Please pray and hope for me. ☺️
Next, I got the Springfield Pop Princess set.
This is what it looked like on the back. Sorry about the lighting.
This is how it looks like without the box.
Here it is!!!!!
It also comes with a SF style club card, but I decided not to show that because of the code.
Now for the last, big part...
I got Abby!!!!!!!!!!!πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ☺️☺️☺️πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ‘©πŸ‘©πŸ‘©πŸ‘­πŸ‘­πŸ‘­πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Liebster Award!!!!

I don't even know if I spelled that right, lol. I got nominated for the amazing award by Izzy! Check her blog out at
Here's the award! 
First, I'll answer the questions given to me by Izzy, and then I will nominate some people. 

1-Apples or Oranges?
I like both, but I gotta admit I've eaten more oranges than apples. 

2-If you had to move to Europe what country/city would you move to?
I have no idea because I don't know all the countries/cities in Europe but I think Paris is in Europe so I'd choose Paris. Correct me if I'm wrong.

3-Who is your idol?
Definitely God. If you mean my role model, then, I'd choose Bethany Mota, Taylor Swift, or Ariana Grande.

4-Springfield or Maplelea?
I picked Springfield because I know more about it than Maplelea. 

5-If you had to give one of your dolls away, which one would it be?
None, Period. 
6- What is your dream car?
I would want a neon pink van with a big movie screen for the passengers, zebra print seats, colorful seat belts, a radio where you can say the name of a song and it automatically starts playing, a trunk where two more people can sit, and a neon yellow driving wheel. 
7- What would you re-name Saige GOTY 2013?
Autumn. She is such an Autumn. I wonder why they didn't name her that. 

8-If you could travel back in time what time period would you travel to?
Umm. Maybe 1990s. 

9-Do you have any siblings? If you do how many?
I'm a loner. Forever Alone :'(
10-What is your favorite cake flavor?

11-What is/was (if you are an adult) your favorite school subject?
I LUV MATH!!!! <3 #sonerdy

Now, I will nominate 11 peeps. 
Claire M.
The Sweet Nokia Dolls
Clare McKenna
Pretty Lily

So here are the instructions if I nominated you:
If your blog is up there click the Liebster Award button for yourself, answer my eleven questions on your blog, nominate eleven people, and give them eleven questions to answer on there blog.

Here are my questions for the people I have nominated. 
1. Favorite Emoticon?
2. Favorite Band or Singer? 
3. If you can have as many dolls as you want, how many dolls would you pick? 
4. If you had to get rid of either your dolls or your blog, which one would you pick?
5. Where do you want your dreamhouse to be located at? 
6. Do you plan to go to college? If so, how many years?
7. Ballet or Tap Dancing?
8. Saige or Isabelle?
9. American Girl or Barbie?
10. If you could create a GOTY AG Doll, what would she look like and what would her name be?
11. If you could give a tip to other bloggers, what tip would that be?


Saturday, March 8, 2014

Dollhouse Tour!

You might be wondering where we take pictures. Answer: In 2 cardboard boxes on top of a very wide cabinet next to my bed. Doesn't sound very fancy, does it? Well, it is good enough for me! 
There are three parts to our dollhouse:
The kitchen 
I don't know why I put that mini bubble pack there. 
The living room
The Bedroom 

I will start by showing you The Kitchen.
This is the first half of the kitchen. It has the sink and this little white thing with holes for storage. There is a paper towel roll on top of the white storage thing. 
This is the other half, with the dining table. 

Now, we will move on to the living room. 
This is the basic whole thing!
Here is a yellow couch, which I plan to cover up with fabric and mini throw pillows. 
We also have a makeup box used as a storage container/ living room table.
Last, we have the bedroom!
We have a dresser (which is my jewelry box. 
And an awesome bed I made with no tutorial!!!! 

Well, that's it folks, but tune in tomorrow to see Ariana's birthday!!!! It'll be one year after I adopted her!!!!


Doll Food and Drinks Crafts: A Cup of Water

Hi again! 
Today I have a craft for you from our new post series, Doll Food and Drinks!
I will be showing you how to make this cup of water (it doesn't spill). 
Here is a no effect photo of the cup of water. 
You will need: 
Blue Duct Tape 
The cap of a perfume bottle
1 small piece of clear tape

Start wrapping duct tape around the cap. Make sure to line the duct tape up with the bottom of the cup. 
When you are done with that, start wrapping clear tape around the duct tape to make sure it stays.
To top that off, add a straw by cutting the top part of a regular sized straw off. 
We hope you liked that mini craft! 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Sunlight Style- An AG Photoshoot

Good Day!
Today's good post is a Photoshoot! 

Two Girlies. 
I really like this one- you can see a bunch of plants in the bottom of the balcony.
Ariana is lookin' boss! 
Changing the angle is okay, too.
A normal, natural photo that captures Ariana's awesomeness.
Cool Sunlight effect, right?
If you have an angle that's almost upside down, you can have this one, too! 
You do not know how risky it was to do this picture. 
The pictures on the rim of the balcony went well. Luckily, Madelyn did not fall off.
Woah, look at the sunlight on her shorts!
What is she pointing to?...
No one knows.
Last and most bad haired photo.

Well, I hope you like it! And tomorrow, we will be introducing a new post series!
Guess the Theme!
